the healing process
Do you navigate the world from a place of
inspiration and a sense of fulfillment?
Do you accept every event and every moment creatively and with the feeling that this is exactly how it should be?
This state is made possible and stems from a place of deep self-love. From the understanding that everything, including you, is perfect.
Ancient Chinese medicine looks at the body as whole and perfect. The Spirit, the Mind, and the body are not separate. Everything you go through affects your body, physically and mentally.
Chinese medicine is not interested in the names of diseases, and a good therapist does not treat the symptoms. Each patient has a different background and different circumstances, so not everyone can be treated in the same way.
Through an in-depth and seemingly unrelated conversation, we will find out what caused your pain to appear. Together we will discover what you must change, leave, or accept in order to resolve your illness.
remote healing
Although difficult to grasp, energetic treatment can be performed remotely. Through strong intention and meditation of both healer and patient we restore the function of the channel that needs balancing even without needles and even from afar.