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Who am "I"?

You clicked here to read about me,
but let's start with you…

Can you complete the sentence: I am _____
(go ahead... I'll wait)

Ready? Who are you?

Descriptive words can define you
But can also limit who you can be...

Here, I'll explain:
I'm Cody. This is one word that can fill the blank.
Any word that fills the blank can also change.

At different times I was different things:
an Israeli, an American, a Moroccan, Jewish, atheist, a man, a woman, gay, transgender, a teacher, a student, a healer, a patient....

There are many "me" and the ones I once were - are no longer here. I always change. 

I studied Chinese medicine in New York where I lived for almost thirty years.

One day while working as a graphic designer, unfulfilled, I heard the word Acupuncture.

Three years later I graduated from the Acupuncture program at Swedish Institute, where Jeffrey Yuen, a Daoist  priest, taught a medicine that was preserved via oral tradition for 88 generations. 

From him I've learned that every pain has a solution, and that the body does not make mistakes.

I believe that everyone can listen to their body, and deep down knows how to heal themselves.

I believe that you don't "need" me. I believe I can help.

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